Knee osteoarthritis: what is it, the stage, the signs and symptoms, and myths about the treatment of the

Kulinoto the disease is a complex bolest degenerative nature in the vlie on the koska, and the ' skavica Odelot of Kulinoto. Bolesta nachisto THE napaa in the Kulinoto have a Department of dolnice in the extremitati. Patolsky promeni at rovinata, and the periarticular region, which is in the poveet all of the cases, it develops in pasadenaca on the claim, bioloska streee, Narusova of the autoimmune prirodata, because it goes ingibiruet locomotor capacity of the noze. Zaednicite stanova logopedija failure on stability, fine motor, and taazir. The Kroot, on the gradual se definirani, and as the fazi celosno outside of the redhot.

the form of the astroscope to the knee joint with osteoarthritis of the 3rd degree

Degeneratia in zaednicki diva CE HAPP is not only a physical disfunktsii of the dolnice in the extremitati, and most of the units in the VERSE. At teshka patologia predizvicite obrechennost, and neko case and paralyze the nozet. In a vrsca with a taquita razocharovanie come bolesta is an important, and as shto e-mail it may be porano, and it identifikovat, and wednes-and that you continue to nesimato lacunae.

It is important to bolesta

Patientia is also important that the Ispica terapeutici strategy procitate THE Ledneva material To the posadowa celona informatie in a vrsca with a mechanismat a shower and a Klinicki demonstration of patologia. A lot of you have to mind the CHILDREN arthrosis and arthritis and the ASPIRATION to be povrzani, Bidai bolesta e-mail posledica of the artritizme bolest. However, the tamu Where shto se, which ruthlessly nesren bolesti of the Onesti navanita koska conectio? It is an seriesnot for gonarthrosis in the event That e-mail can be, and that the prepoznaje It?

The reason for the paava a disease

Degenerative pathogenesity startovie of the Ledneva plant provocateurs:

Completeness is the cause of the disease
  • otkako Dream – fractures of the tibia, dislocati on kolenati, statuae in the teleto meniscus, solzi, and escinate of the ligament, PAA, in a knee-length, the sieve Vidovi of the claim;
  • prenumerar the fizicki pressure;
  • sedentary the beginning of the esophagus;
  • the temple of the indeksot corporal masa;
  • sistemski patologia, for rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic type, sistemski eritematoso lupus;
  • genetski in slabost the ligamento-muscular system, or a congenitally nerazvijena the strukturnye of the elements of the zglobove;
  • damage to the metabolizmu, and the Protocol to the EOC;
  • hormonally slabost, diabetes and other endocrine pathology;
  • se preseli, or hronicni infection and inflammation, sabolova.

Enough, therefore, loeto samite, The stanat storiteli with the ASPIRATION to develop a artikulieren tiskita sabolova. Therefore, dobiva povremeni, the document has A ignoriruet contact predpochitau Yes, go send a prviot droga from Bolek, a house of losion and slichnaya. Nekolku Godin podina, a parade and the ASPIRATION Adria in minatocho, Nesodden lacunae, tie doaat To lekaru Vee with gonarthrosis in nadobe sluca – moderated. And wait for one of the fizicko prevencia and analgetiki Ointment, and the very first time, They sing the theme to put that destuff honor imaat radikalno refers to hirosky of the Safat, and tactics.

Phase unistuse

In orthopedics, bolesta e-mail separated by a phase of the coat of ARMS ponata we Went to the expert on where dostavuvaweto regimens. Obimet, prirodata, locacity, prirodata of the origin of the unistuse of koskie of slobovia in the Kulinoto CE otkriva of the prek Seria a diagnosticky a procedure, the shto to the x-traci, MPR, CT, Ultrazvuk, razlichni vidove in the EOC and in the urine of the pacientu.

Kvalitativni tretman of prashat is not Mauger Yes bidat rosporden without having the information about the sostoyat of the Kulinoto zaednicki and caracteristicile of the patientt, and no visits to the drugs, and that a dobie on it Sooden terapeutici preporaki. To start with, as a whole, and that the podobry kvaliteet the zivotot, not ignoriruet poset of kvalifikovani a specialist himself, and it is in the costab To YOU kazhe to give the night a theme, to Mauger, To the point kvalifikovani konzervativna of the prek-Uste or in the Wasit trouble singing the theme to the sink efikasna the chirurgia.

Patologia there is a nekolku fazi at razva, spared klasifikacija to the Kellgren-only cetiri from the NIV. The sieve tie Xie charakterisiert in the seriesnot to morfologia promeni (prisustvo of osteophytes, mamalove in acineta zvukot of globnet ' skavica and Stepinac in the Chistie, tecnove in zaednicki area, ITN.) and Klinicki simptomi (ogranicava of the flexion/prodoljenie, stupcat in the poddrska the ability prirodata and intensityit of bolcato, ITN.).

  • The disease prvate phase of the e bolest BACK in povo. You nadvoresna simptomi are a good or a otstan, congruence, and the obligat on the zaednicite, e zadowoleni nivo. X traci or slicks, see the Little marginalnye osteophytes at the rabbite of globnet povrsina in podsolennom Oddlot good subchondral osteosclerosis, Small koscina cyst. Zaednicki area, is this normal, or is modifizieren, but not to the sushtinska snakee.
  • When bolesta of the vtoriot section, the poker Groenewegen, led, osteosclerotic Lesia e-mail Uste poitrast, asno the widlife tecnove to the interarticular as well. Pacientu Zapadnova CE powee, and the powee of the units in the vremeto of Prosecco, opacki/katuwe at Scully for a long time, stoee, ponekogas in tikot on the note. The development of lameness, dvigaet in zaednicki nabavka of the inferiorness, especially when svitkova.
  • Tratata phase, CE karakterisere the Ostara progresia povratni on degenerations and deformations. Zaednicki konfiguracia znachitelno of skrivena, back pomeo glabrata povrsini e znachitelno namelen, koskei of israsel in the form sewed on the zgolemuvanje the galement. Bolkata stanova podolgu and CE izgovara, and you Narusova dovecot dope in the costab odmor, kuzam CE Vlasova. Zavisnik poddrska Uredi, and help.
  • Cetvrtine the stage of the degenerative pathogenesity, where postout nagamit Work osteophyte proliferatie, hyaline, ' skavica e celosno umistena, zaednicki room, icesnow, or an edwa gleda, artikulieren koska epiphyses formiae on the zaednica, nasinite virus. Kolenati, zaednicki e priznati kako celosno not odrzivi of the musculoskeletal systems to be passed stanova in samostani.

Simptomi, and galbi

Seriesnot a Klinicki is not up to yourself from patolsky caracteristics, but it isto Taka I a of factorit individualnost. As it is, is, priate quite gonarthrosis is a lot of a Tesco and 2, and a 3-4 tbsp. In zaednicki list of simptomi kluczowa:

the image on the surface of the knee joint
  • Bolek, nachisto of the mechanicky guy (annoying, bolna, brazenly, Adidas, periodicni, and Poston);
  • the crisis was caused when the ASPIRATION;
  • vacanies shabot;
  • ogranicava of psagot in the degee;
  • slabost of the acculite on the extremitatea;
  • hyperthermia at kogata, and a Swelling in the Kulinoto oblast;
  • drgee promeni, manifester, with lameness, and the cosee on nozet;
  • nestabilnost, or syndrome "fika";
  • "britische" in kolenati, CE slucuva when Adidas caused Dwight to koskie in slobovia.

Important! The conservation tretman of arthrosis of the Kulinoto zaednicki nem da VI help, if bolesta e-mail complicaron ASPIRATION of the year, child care wee Mauger Yes se HAPP in the NALAS slouch vtorata stage in the Rasool of koskie, and the revista degeneratia. For razlika od tradicionalne, konzervativni terapia and alternativni metodi, screen without, escluso, chirurgia, for taski gonarthrosis 2-3-4-grade – edinstvenite the beginning of a long period of time in the belly of the eyeliner and as you can see in the odobrava kvaliteet the zivotot.

The conservation tretman

Bezoperatsionnye methods of tretman time in the Retirement stage of deforming arthrosis. The director of the mejirushi tretman kluczowa:

  • sistematsko izvrsava for fizikalna terapija, Bechet razvijena of the country, the profesionalni pojedinacno;
  • postapkata for fizikalna terapija;
  • to be used on the medicine line against the baulk, in form, to correspond with the tableti, injectie, ITN.;
  • right, ishrana, and the neko poseban the mode of ishrana of the propisane od Lekar;
  • ecoglasnost by poseben mode, the secont on the physical activity;
  • celosno atfree the Losi skills;
  • the unquestioning tecot the povtorov diagnosticky control;
  • godina poset of specializirana of the sea they are-odmaraliste medical set up.

Operateat of the disease in the Kulinoto


Now, the man razgledam in hirarki start, in the image of a seeking, Bidai of a ranatom stage, patologia e the honor of the nevidljivi. Nachisto Mora, and that the right to payment by the disease in the celest "tsut", in which the ASPIRATION ofteni Golem zaednicki structure, and the vlie periarticular prasae.

  • Arthroplasty – Pomaga to the powee of the 95% of slocate, the celosno e-mail it may be ducking and diving, lying and locomotor Osnovnye features of the Kulinoto Odelot on dalyot extremity. Teshka operacia, procidano by teshka rehabilitatsia, but efektet e-mail worth It. At around the 3rd period for the installati on vestacke analogen of the machin zaednicki e-mail on the povratni in patokoski promeni, IT has rotated a full opseg for twigee for nozet celosno to elimineren Bolek.
  • Introduzione – neuobicajeno postapka for a "short" articolazione, videi on svoice agresivni vliianie VRZ biologica structure, sepak, ponekogas It in place To the sink, if, for example, NEMA moznost the one that makes the implantatio. Netinet sustine lie in ostrove at globnet povrsini, and stationary in the articulary powersave on kockice by poseben Things Uredi in the powolna pozicia. The tcot of vremeto, tamu, e natural, and place these in the elementi. Vestacke ankylosis celosno blokovi mobilnosti of slobovia, but Bozorova, and that the postigne a good poddrska the ability to nogata, and is in fact bolkata.
  • Osteotomy of the colenta – isto Taka se koristi in iskluchitelno, and the situation of the Istat reason, the arthrodesis, especially when e-mail is needed, and that Adlai hip replacement nekolko years of age. In vremeto of the operativnih sesia, the specialist URSI vestacko Fraktur, podpilivaya Koski and jim on the right-hand powee agol, Taka, in That the e podobro that distribuirea tawaret in the ' skavica of the elementi.
doctor for arthritis

An povratni pathogenesity is not singing the theme to the go-poprawa, singing the theme to Maura, Yes, razbirat It. Ointment, to the dope and a medicine line of chondroprotectors, not that somene, and my Grandmother's Soveti To the beat of a TRETINONI gelatin, isto Taka, posebna Aloha NEMA to the game. The break-off in the Mauger Can help in Loches situatia is to padgate on the musculoskeletal system on the job.

A moderate in the Kulinoto the implant to the Council of Europe, moznost To go isgreat normalno secona friends, with alosno functional namalu 15 years ago, and in honor of 20-25 years of age. A person may have to fool with the Semenova zaednicki to send it To neko sportowy.

Tretman 3rd grade

Stage 3 arthritis in chirurgia. Promeni in zaednicki that a lot of the caracter, in this stage, the bolesta of Kraut the Namalwa vertot to the zivotot, and it is the pacientu. Koska and it's skavica of the Statute dostigne a critical point in the COAT of a wild a coccinata vrsca turn off funkcionalna important, do not Mauger Yes se zamisli. The Hyaline pokrivaet of the recisi celosno the unisteri.

  • Important skavica is not Vratna of the self, vklucheno and not prek-hirarki methods.
  • Naked and Sedakova povrsinama interaktivni koska of the zavrsava imaat unnatural to pritisok to Edna by a friend, BRESEE in the adni against the other, postoina, due to the statuae of the acolyte Meca wild, and the SECO the e CE skriveni dope, and powee.
  • Be passed CE chuvstvuu a terrible unit, but it is not a zboruvame izgubi the ability, but the one in the wrong. Patientia art dnevni found on, and kouga sonot is a delight, and Eden the of Bolek, off, odmor. In terms tolerantni kako shto e induced only nekolku lue.
  • The anti-vospalitelno and analgetiki medicine line, on a regular imaat a wealth effect, but stock is not a "crime". In the chondroprotectors does not have the right to nikakva the smislom, Bidai seacove, and negovata of oscadnica in the hastatii from the ' skawica, they do not help the situatiated.
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Posledice of arthrosis of 2-3 degrees in the ponekogas Xie Xie obidowa To the treerat minimalno invasive operacia (artroscopia) in a Koa-singing the theme to the Mauger Yes se recuse marginalnye osteophytes, and, isto Taka, se To odstranit Lubava koska and it's skavica of the fragmenti of the zaednicite praznina. Taqui manipulatsii, kako shto Bechet potvrdena of the country's komentarite, nekolku aesni to pacientu sostoa Malka the podobrala motordata funkcia, but privremeno. The disease of the Kulinoto zaednicki ostanuva active in blisks for future re-singing the theme to the se manifestera.

Pathogenesity oddelenie 3-4 – the egg has a lot of serious problems with the e navistina a lot of tocomplex reconstructive and plasticine operativni tactics. With a start, not wait for the Taqwa procedure is the coat of ARMS Mauger Yes se sporadi with an arthroplasty. The knee replacement prosthesis, the man povtorov the mehanicki caracteristics, Konfiguracja, form, and solimini's natural to sing the theme to the Dade moznost da se kazhe zbogum as neuspesnih a blast, and disability, Where VERB "premium".

Bolesta napedowe of the brso, and an in-moznost To stagnat to the sides of the crenata stage of the 4 stages in the prasae of the period. Chirurgia is, you need To go in respect to e-mail it may be popso, dodeca degenerative Procesi not navisat dlaboko in the drizzle fog kosice. The strongest Osteen Koski Mauger To predizvici escotia, with the production of the prosthesis.

A lot of, don't spaai soundboard in the seriesnot to the accidental degeneracy that the sporadi with konzervativna and unconventional tactics, the CE obidowa the screen so that the sobirali to work galtee small bra on the tablet, with the application of the ointment of the Boleto podrace. Neko, in the zboruva of an osteopath, a private physician, practicante does not block the alternativni methods. To press against the prirodata is not singing the theme to take Odie to the lecove, otkako singing the theme to tie the Dode, and a new fact is required, and that the siruvani. Satoa, a flip outside of the besmislen patpat, business-wise.

one of the damaged part of the joint

Vachata fizichka sostoa e celosno zavisna od vasite odluke! Yes it can, the stomach prodolgovato To stradat of the vacanies, and Bolek, vainly testiere of a "brazen" method for the tretman: medicine line, and an unconventional alatki, which imaat dokazi for efektivnosti in Wasit in the seriesnot to bolesta. And Mauger Yes se podeljeni of hirarki trestman and pochne To a livelier ispolnit the stomach, Slobodan, one minuteto Strade and poddrska of Uredi.

And that greigite on chirurgia is necessary, a moderate-Technologia there leaped napred, and the genes in the space, briliante manuwai of the Kulinoto slobovia Trani implant. Vaquita implantatio, sprovedena in a good hospital for risikat on the complication of the e minimalna (1-2 %), and restavracia the funktiota mobilnosti CE ostvaruju in the powee of the 95% of slocate. Hip-replacement-singing the theme to see the rehabilitatsia tecot for 3 to 4 period, vkluchay:

  • fizicko sakipova, a prek posebna medical gymnastics;
  • medicine line (antibiotici, antithrombotics, ITN.);
  • the a fisioterapeuta, vkluchay myostimulating, anti-inflamatory, analgesic, and lacunae of the Rani of intervention;
  • The Masai (within the ptininae fazi of the rehabilitatsia).

Welcome To you, I know! A 1-unit bolesta on Mauger Yes se spreci, and prevenir conservative. If the nisht is not napraveno and saponite, with the disease of Kulinoto into a mu Bozorova, and that they are moving from the 1st to the 2nd degree, medicine line Vee sink singing the theme to the a lot of a problem, but for the odredjene categoria in pazienti CE news is, soodeen of the non-hirarki device. Because of the two-fazi sekogash, the chirurgia.

Tretman, the 2-dr unit

When the disease at a moderate achina kvaliteet of the stomach stanova of the body is it. Baulk at the Kulinoto Grigi posylny a painful syndrome CE manifester usta ointensive the break-off in the Bechet of the pochetokot on bolesta. In particular izrazene baulk at the wednes morning's budeet for the time, of okachobee, and sustai in the prek stairwell. An honor waits for nepriatno a sense of vacanies, Koa CE paavola, for a debt of Prosecco, and the long Stoa at the Edna pozicia. Flexion in the Kulinoto national and regional e-mail namelen, patientt is not in the costab, and that the nabidnout in nogata, kako shto se bars with fisiologica. One of the pocnuva, and that given by swoot extremity, recise, and Yes no se Yes se Obidov the police do not how long, Koa predizvicite a progressive atrophy of the Musculine.

in the pool, it is highly recommended to all and always

CE naglasi CHILDREN lacouvee have potatura kvalifikovan the holisticity device.

  • If you lekaru assessment of the As waiting for itna search for operacia, the priority is dodelin, for the mamalove in the VRZ livarot problematichno have Addel. In the prisustvo visok of Telesat Tiina, and that the obezbedi to Pranee Pogodin from the disease of slobovia, That e-mail is needed, and that prilagodi corporal tejina, with the nivnata ishrana, that the singing of the theme to the preparada Wasit drugs.
  • Screen in pazienti in propisana used in specialni ortopedici helped vremeto of the degee. The egg in the zavisnost od postoni problems, Mauger Yes se colenta at klipovi, elastica Dolna obleka, elasticin save, trska, Patrizi, Walker.
  • Optionally, ortopedici surgeon singing the theme to propisuju just the sum of the vibration that singing the theme to go saaka and yeah C'is golemi izdrzljivosti the acculite the Ogadeni nogata.
  • Isto Taka, the disease in a mid-manifestatia vklucaja a used hearse, vkluchay and substancei prisutni in the revista diva of Kulinoto. These vkluchaut formulatio VRZ Osnova of chondroitin-sulfate, healozone kiselina injectie, medicine line, with the glucosamin. A tie not a moat, and that the Obnovit and it's skawica, but That e-mail Seiten with hronline sostoi in the government, it is also possible that the postigne remilia on bolesta.
  • CE preporacuvam tretmani, and the fisioterapia tretman, but to tie up all of the corestat otkako singing the theme to the ischeznut screen of znati up a bit. Fizicki today, for example, laserski, a magnet, or Ultrazvuk, treba da se odevaet in the ramkite medical set up. Thank you for fizikalna terapija the podobrala ishrana and metabolisam in the drizzle fog kosice, Musculine, scavetta. If you copile the vibroacoustic used for domashne use it, first, go Prussia, you'll be an expert on the monosta for netinet applied in washta diagnose and caracteristics of a rabotaet on the redot.

Than Xie smetaet osnovnie nacela in which the CE zasnova officialname tretmant of arthritis, which odgovaram of the standardite for Ortopedia. Bidai a lot of Lua with osteoarthritis of the 2nd SV a lot of zainteresirani about alternativni methods negovoto us, than notime, and that of Crete, with the napopolam one. Dosname make sense to a lot of if the document has CE unikatni, kako shto se presenterait on the Internet.

Maticni the cells of the lacunae in the Kulinoto

Stem cells for the treatment of the knee

Than singing the theme to the zboruvame of mesenchymally of the autology maticni the cells AJ of paciente with gonarthrosis of kolenati, zemani from the srtat of the karleken or femorata koska. Shopping terapia, spared Zarizeni izvori about to start postignuca of the recisi the self-development of the tseliot zaednicki the ASPIRATION that you in the aktivacia of regenerativity Procesi of lecove, to statenice section. Thank you for TEHNOLOGIA of this, They e-mail teoretski it is possible that the postigne odobrava of the pravni units in koska and it's skavica one of taloto. In practice, sepak, nemase "live" x-ray dokazi in potvrda deck, in the lovedove of the maticni cells Pogodina areas of the zaednicki is common.

Positiveto vliianie on maticni the cells of slobovia, and the cosite not to darajani and in a completely safe, Bidai of this technology in orthopedics Usti CE not CE priznavat. Nesanice of the naucnici that's it, UCEE, and experimentiert. The poker It, wait for a notice in a vrsca with a nebezpecna the effects of the VRZ choveshkata body maticni cells, which exempted the lead act in the visoko kvalifikovani specialist with the ability To predizvici cancer. In an e-mail with a lue that the CE Platini to postapkata, That Bechet zadovoljen with resultatet? Fat can the To Kaja Edna's work: a lot of pazienti smetaet to Paris, and in the back, but the placebo effect itself Can Trae good for a long time, you don't zaboravite for It premnogu.

Kal tretman

Lekovite cal izvori only one element (magnesium, chrome, od, bromine, calcium nitrate, ITN.), prednisobe for the mamalove in the bolnice simptomi, and odobrava Protocol to the EOC might bolney area, stimulere metabolismo. Nagalama value in the act of Licata, with Lesna bolest or pacienti that Biel podeljeni a operacia in nogata. Griete terapia in the best possible way Vaja and 2, if you lecart, verova in natural Medicine in combinatia with a major medical program, singing the theme to be, the fact agresia of patolsky fenomeni (at the request of progresist and odobrava the celokupne klinicka fat. Cal terapia all praktikuma on special medical institutions, lekavale-type. The natural lacunae cal VRZ Osnova of the peloids and the ASPIRATION koristi, in the form of the application, and in combinatia the metadot for galvanization (electrophoresis on).

Upotrebata of the gelatin

Gelatin is a good Supplement to maintain healthy joints

Prirodni gelatin is a comfortable nachin da se podri zaednicite structure is in good sostoya. Gelatinosa substrate, residen in the water, preporucuje se To se koristi vnutrennost. Spared some healers, gelatin on It and e pobreza, and the powee productive singing the theme to the vlie to the kockice, ' rovinata, and the muscula-ligamentous of the elementi. Experti atakovat As NEMA of a new method of lakovici svoistva, That only the VI eyeliner, and that the speci osteoarthritis. Satoa, where the ASPIRATION Adria on the pathogenesity relationalities in odsustvo of patologia, or hurt fazi treba da se Smeta as a merc for the speculae of the astanova, or progresia degenerative promeni. When bolesta is a moderate, and teshka at the prirodata, pristupit and profilaktiki is not going To work.

Eurodata for zglobove

Moderate alternative medicine e know a lot of vanredni slucuva, mega, which tretman spared Eurodata to the razlichni delovi on the musculoskeletal system. Spared a new, informal channels of thesignature zglobove povrzani the visomat the akkumuliruya toxin in taloto parade Energia of disharmonia. In statuae a mechanism for the broken energetskih bilans (I) is essentially the slabeet of Agni, or of the digestinit Ogan in the dovedova to acumularea in the creation of a chaotic hrana the hastatii (AMA). Tie presledovat toxin soundboard of cruta transportorul the zaednicki, Where stetni the substancei deponeret Xie and Guo ingibiruet metabolismo.

Spared Eurodata disease klassificeret in the nekolku Vidovi, and the secoa smilena in their systems, the tretmant, on the basis of the secoa of the NIV, the food, herbaly medicine, a dose of Aurveda apcia right, OGA, and the atmosphere of the disee, non-tradicionalni massage, self-obuci for IsAlive, ITN. so here's to the Ears, Seto ova sound, odlicno, but if the arthritis is not moat, and that in sment SO dope, and the country's naucni of high Technologies, whereas e-mail can be, and that the veruva CHILDREN herbalite right tretman same misli, and the tactics of the other Eurodata Drug povratni deformatia?!

Salt kompresi

Sol CE koristi for the preparation of the sasieni Salt solution, some of the CE koristi for the impregnati to include all of the nanasawa on the Boleto and place on neskolku hours. In this terapia it is not necessary that the smetaet, the independent authorities of funds, and in particular, the Cure of the disease. Salt privremeno Mauger Yes, the humble bolkata, and oslobodi the Swelling of the MAKITA a wild pokriva to coccinata is a structure, not a win, the kakwa of the state of the biologica structure. But That night the subject should not be treated bolesta, and Yes no se stavi in the nozet of the pacientu. Netinet accia is a pure-symptomatica. A solution of the e Padgett of the prismatica: 1 litar, in the beginning, the temperature of the water, zemani 100 g of Salt.

It hurts To se ViDi! Ponekogas Sol CE koristi at Suva in the zagrean form, the Koa CE a New in the torbicka, as well as To Key-izvrsavam local greee of Kulinoto. Ponekogas as navlani, but the fuel prelive. Topla tretmani CE opasni when Groen-vospalitelno Procesi in zaednicite praznina, tie the Kraut singing the theme to myself, and that vlasi klinicka fat. Satoa, not the corestat taqui to the recepti, not To win, Sigourney soundboard Parasat is pridruzene easy compared to the process.